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Augusta Holmès. La nouvelle Orphée

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Couverture Augusta HolmèsBook in French by Hélène Cao. Arles : Actes Sud / Palazzetto Bru Zane, 2023.

The career of Augusta Holmès (1847-1903) challenges most of the preconceived ideas we may have about women composers of the Romantic period. A lady of boundless ambition, with a constant desire for freedom, she refused the limitations that were imposed on her ilk. At a time when women were expected to produce short forms (songs and salon pieces), she composed large-scale works – symphonic poems, cantatas and operas – works that were ambitious, politically committed, and oriented towards Wagner, whom she met at the age of twenty. Drawing on texts written by her contemporaries (press articles, reviews, book excerpts), Hélène Cao retraces the life of this fascinating musician. She shows how authors of the time did not quite know what to make of such a very unusual figure, with attitudes ranging from fascination to rejection, and with expressions of misogyny and unwavering support, anti-Wagnerism and advocation of modernity.

Palazzetto Bru Zane Actes Sud


Avant-propos. La gloire éphémère et la tombe immortelle

I. Ossian à Versailles

II. Naissance d’une compositrice

III. Concourir pour conquérir

IV. Le concert des nations

V. Le sentier de la gloire

VI. La Montagne noire

VII. Le crépuscule de l’idole

VIII. Aimer et composer

IX. Légende et réalité

X. À l’ombre de Franck et de Wagner

XI. La muse de la Troisième République

XII. Le fantôme de l’Opéra

XIII. Du compositeur à la maestra

Postface. Hier l’oubli, demain la renaissance ?

Related persons

Composer, Pianist, Librettist

Augusta HOLMÈS

(1847 - 1903)
