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Financing Music in Europe from the 18th to the Early 20th Century

Date of the symposium:
16-18 octobre 2020


Colloque en ligne organisé du 16 au 18 octobre 2020 par le Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini et le Palazzetto Bru Zane.

Depuis sa conception jusqu’à son exécution, la musique exige diverses formes de soutiens financiers : le mécénat, les subventions publiques, l’investissement marchand, par exemple. Ce colloque international s’intéresse au rôle que le financement occupe dans le monde musical, à l’évolution de ses formes sur le temps long (XVIIIe-XXe siècle) en Occident et aux relations qu’il entretient avec la création ou la pratique artistique.  

Comité scientifique : Katharine Ellis, Roberto Illiano, Étienne Jardin, Fulvia Morabito, Massimiliano Sala, Yannick Simon.

Publications liées :
Financing Music in Europe, sous la direction d’Étienne Jardin, Turnhout : Brepols, 2022.
Yannick Simon, "Le subventionnement des concerts symphoniques dans les départements français entre 1861 et 1969", Transposition 7 (2018).



Katharine Ellis – Broke: Tales from the French Opera Industry

Yannick Simon – Des subventions à la politique culturelle. L’État français et les sociétés de concerts

Organization, Management and Financing of Opera Houses

Davide Mingozzi – «Non sarà lecito a chiunque di aprire teatri in città»: l’impresa dei teatri a Genova (1772-1773)

Eric Boaro – Tra gioco d’azzardo e giustificazione morale. ‘Immoralità’ e sopravvivenza economica del Regio Ducal Teatro di Milano (1717-1776)

Maxime Margollé – Financer l’Opéra-Comique à la fin du xviiie siècle, une mission impossible ?

Aline Gallasch-Hall de Beuvink – Organization and Financing the Royal Opera Houses: Music as Power in the 18th-Century Portugal

Jeroen Van Gessel – Money as the Missing Link: Interpreting Audience Reception and Artistic and Social Policy in the Strasbourg Opera (1886-1918) through its Finances

Jules Cavalié – The «Saison italienne» at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris in May and June 1910: The Development of a Branded Product, between Public Institutional Model and Private International Entrepreneurship

Musical Impresarios during the Nineteenth-Century

Stefanie Liang – The Case Study «I Pagliacci»: The Relationship between the Composer Ruggero Leoncavallo and the Musical Impresario Edoardo Sonzogno

Megan Estela – Maurice Grau and the Golden Age of the Metropolitan Opera House

Dario De Cicco – Edoardo Mascheroni (1852-1941): direttore d’orchestra e impresario

Private and Public Investment, Subscriptions and Societies

Rémy Campos – Donner un concert. Les salons musicaux parisiens entre dépense et libéralité (1870-1914)

Gabriele Slizyte – Propagande diplomatique, management et financement des artistes : le rôle de l’Association française d’action artistique dans la carrière américaine des musiciens français au début du XXe siècle

Attilio Cantore – «Rivendicare un nuovo onore alla nazione» con i fratelli Marchisio: le severe bellezze della musica strumentale da sala nella Torino dell’Ottocento

Haiganuş Preda-Schimek – The Economic Network around Folk Music: A Case Study on Romanian Folksong-Arrangements in the Offer of Viennese Publishers (ca. 1850)

Anna Wright – The Funding of Conservatoires in late Nineteenth-Century Britain

David Cranmer – Return on Investment through Publicity: The Case of the Fêtes des Arènes, Béziers (1898-1926)

Joseph Darby – «To Send them into the World – in the best Manner I Am Able»: Publishing Music by Subscription in 18th-Century Britain

Simon McVeigh – Piano Manufacturers and Concert Promotion in Edwardian London: New Light on the Broadwood Concerts (1902-1912)

The Musician as Entrepreneur: How Musicians Financed their Activities

Adam Swayne – The Musician as Entrepreneur: The Example of Ferdinand Ries’s Concerto Op. 123

Ramón Sobrino et María Encina Cortizo – Musicians as Entrepreneurs: Private Music Societies in Crisis Times in Spain (1868-1874)

Christina Guillaumier – Composer-Pianist, Conductor and Entrepreneur: The Multiple Lives of Sergei Prokofiev

César Leal – Isaac de Camondo and the Music Aesthetic of Amateur Composers and Sponsors

Mirijam Beier – How to Finance a Singer’s Life and Career in the Italian Opera Business of the Eighteenth Century

Politics of Encouraging the Development of Musical Life

Demosthenes Fistouris – Political, Organizational, Management Issues and Financing in the Greek Art Music from 19th to the Early 20th Century

Jan Dewilde – German Patrons and the Antwerp Musical Life (1864-1914)

Kristin Van Den Buys – The Rise, Climax and Decline (1920- 1936) of Modernist Music in Commercial Concert Organizations in Brussels and its Revival (1936-1940) at the Fully Subsidized National Radio Belgian Broadcasting Institute

The Long History of Patronage: Persistence and Evolution of an Economic Model

Berthold Over – Music in the Court Budget: The Example of the Munich Court (1590-1802)

Morton Wan – Sonic Exuberance: Music and the Stock Market during the South Sea Bubble

Sean Reilly – The New-German School and the ‘Retreat to the Court’: Reexamining the Conflict between Claims of Autonomy and the Constraints of Aristocratic Patronage

Olena Ponomarenko – Patrocinio nella cultura musicale ucraina: tradizione e innovazione


Scientific publications